What exercises I do

Hi there, and welcome back to my blog. How are you? I hope that you are well. Today I’m going to talk about what exercises I do. Now, these exercises I don’t do every day but I do it most days.

Daily om
This exercise I try and do every day. But not all of it as getting on the floor gives me headaches and dizzy spells. The course that I do is called The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout.

Credit for image: https://darebee.com/workouts/upperbody-builder-workout.html\

Credit for image: https://darebee.com/

I’ve recently changed my weight lifting moves to something that I found on Pinterest. What I’ve been doing is 10 hammer curls, five vertical raises, five ridden rows, five shoulder press with a squat, five heel raises and five bent over rows. I like to do two sets of each exercise.

Ab Swing
I’m still using the ab-swing, even though this past Christmas, I got an ab-belt set. What I do on the ab-swing is I sit on top of the ab-swing and do a set and scoot myself down the seat and do another set..

Because of Covid-19, I’m not in training for a specific race anymore. These days, I go on the treadmill for time and incline. The reason for this is because of my baths, my legs have become very weak. I started off doing 20 minutes on a 2.0 incline to doing a lot more.. I try and go on the treadmill everyday but on the days that I don’t, I go onto the floor bike.

Floor bike
I lost the majority of my weight on the floor bike and that’s why I decided to go back onto he floor bike. I started going on the floor bike for 25 minutes and now I do it for a lot longer

Bhangra Blaze
As I’ve written in another blog post, I like to do Bhangra Blaze class. When its on, I feel improvement in my flexibility and my stamina.

Sometimes, I like to get my old Wii switched on and do the Zumba warmups with the Zumba belt. I definitely do feel tired afterward

Chair Yoga
Recently, because of lockdown, Carers Trust have started doing weekly chair yoga. Varsha from Carers Trust runs the class via Zoom. I only found out about this because I’ve liked Carers Ttrust in Facebook. It’s different from regular yoga because it’s more concentrated on breathing than anything else.

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone who I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to be talking about 2020 a year in review.. Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.

