Category Archives: Brain tumour

What exercises do I do

Why hello there, how are we all? I hope you are well. This month’s blog post is about what exercises I do. As a person who sufferers from fatigue, especially in the morning, exercising can be arduous. But I’m still doing something every day.

Fixed hula hoop

I bought this fixed hula hoop a couple of years ago but hardly used it. When my weight climbed up, that’s when I decided to use it. I try and use it every day but when I go shopping or have Bhangra in the evening, I don’t.

Ab swing

I bought an ab swing before my illness. As a child and teenager with a large stomach, I wanted to eliminate it. But due to a lack of motivation, I hardly used it. Until of course, I had the fluid blockage in my brain and all of those steroids made me put on weight. I used the ab swing, once every 3 days.


I bought dumbbells in 2009 during university when I was doing the P90X exercise program, before my illness. I do a set of shoulder shrugs, both ways, a set of curved biceps curls,  a set of short chest raises,  a set of short shoulder raises,  a set of hammer curls,  a set of wide chest raises,  a set of wide shoulder raise, a set of squat steps and then I do set stomach swings on each arm. I do this once every 3 days.

Treadmill/10,000 steps a day

As I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, I like to do 10,000 steps a day. I know that’s hard doing 10.000 steps a day, but if you do the tips that I’ve put in my old blog posts, you will achieve it. Because of my weight gain and my eczema clearing up. I’m back on the treadmill. I started off doing slow walks at first and now I’m doing a slower version of the couch to 5K course again. My goal is to get back to going on the treadmill regularly and get a 20-minute 5K.


I’ve spoken about the benefits of Bhangra in a blog post a couple of years ago. In fact, a couple of weeks ago, I managed to burn off over 3,000 calories in a day, which is the most that I’ve ever done.

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to talk about 2022 – Q4 in review.  Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity

How I’m becoming more independent

Why hello there? How are we all? I hope you are well. This month’s blog post is about how I’m slowly building my independence. Now I’m not fully independent, nor will I ever be. But I’m more independent than since my dialogues. Here’s how I’m doing it.

Take one small step at a time

When I started to make my own breakfast, my mum was in the kitchen with me — watching me see if I made any mistake, like leaving the hob on and making sure I’m adding the right amount of milk. Now, my mum is not in the kitchen.

Give it a go

When I started to shave again, I used a normal razor. When my mum used to shave me, she always used an electric razor. When I did it myself, initially, I was scared, but innately, I knew what I was doing and in the end, I was ecstatic.

Have fun doing it

When I make my own breakfast or tea, I have fun doing it. It’s enjoyable doing things by myself. 

I’ve always said, if it’s not fun, why do it?

Have someone watch over you

As I’ve said previously, when I was making my own breakfast, my mum was in the kitchen Watching over me, looking after me. Slowly she was spending less time in the kitchen, and now she’s in the living room, having her own breakfast.

I know that I will never truly be independent, due to my eyesight, fatigue and dizzy spells, but these are positive steps in the right direction. And I’m always going to depend on my mum on everything that I do.

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to talk about what I do to stay fit.  Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.

2022 – Q3 in review

Ahoy hoy, how are you? I hope that you are well. Today’s blog post is about my review of 2022 – Q3. Not much has happened in the last 3 months but some things have occurred.

My eczema 

Unfortunately, my eczema hasn’t healed as quickly as it should. I’ve stopped using the cream my dad got from India because the second time he ordered the cream, it wasn’t the same. Because of this, I’m back to taking daily amounts of clarified butter with coriander powder in my morning milk.

My #rockulele

My Instagram has over 200 followers. Because of the most recent lionesses’ euro cup victory, I partially rewrote some lyrics from the famous song, 3 lions, called 3 lionesses. This video has over 100 views, the most that one of my videos has ever got. Here’s the video link.

My daily habits

Every morning, I restarted using my fixed hula hoop. I use the hula hoop every day. I’m getting quite good at it now. When I first started using the fixed hula hoop, I was only getting 10 cycles on both clocks and anti-clockwise. Now I’m getting over 100 cycles each way. 

After being gluten-free for so many years, I’ve started making my own breakfast of gluten-free porridge, gluten-free cereal, pomegranate seeds, blueberries, almond butter and vegan coconut yoghurt. After my porridge, I get up and make my own cup of tea. Because of me being allergic to refined sugar, I’ve been using my own mixture of vegan actimel, coconut milk and some maple syrup, that I drink for my breakfast. 

I’ve cut down on my brain games, I’ve stopped playing neuronation and only play GEIST on odd days. The only reason that I’ve stopped playing those games is that they don’t track how long I’ve been playing them.

I’ve become a lot more independent, I’m making my own breakfast, snack and evening granola. I started shaving myself as well.

My birthday

Back in the end of August, I celebrated my 34th birthday. I only asked for something to make me laugh for a present and I got two hats, a bunny rabbit and a frog hat. You can see the bunny hat above and you can see my frog hat below.

My health

I had an MRI in the last three months and had a phone call a week later from Ian Edwards, a neuro nurse who works at UHCW. I was given the all-clear until next year. 

My weight

Unfortunately, my weight has gone up. My weight is now 74kg. It was as high as 76kg, which is close to my pre-tumour weight. Because of this, I’ve restarted drinking cucumber juice but at a weaker consternate. On the week that I don’t drink cucumber juice, I’ve been drinking celery juice. I’ve given myself the unrealistic goal by the end of November of getting at least a flat stomach/a and six-pack. The only reason of this is because November is my 90s soul/RnB month on my #rockulele and I’m planning to do Mysterious Girl by Peter Andre. 

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to talk about how I’ve slowly become more independent. Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.

What lifestyle changes that I made

Why, hello there! How are you? I hope you are well. Today’s blog post is about what lifestyle changes I’ve had to make post-diagnosis. I know it’s tricky and difficult to make these changes, but that’s life.

Slow down

Because of this disease, this was the first thing that I had to do. Not only due to fatigue but knowing that life is precious. Slowing down was probably the most challenging thing that I had to do. For someone like the old me, who was always rushing around, trying to catch a bus, and a train on time, and dealing with deadlines, I found it hard to adjust to this.

Take each day as it comes

I like to plan my day, but that’s not always possible. Sometimes it’s not doable. Sometimes life throws a spanner in my plans but that’s okay.

Rely on family and good friends

Unfortunately, due to everything, I have had to depend on my mum a lot more. She pretty much does everything for me. Although I have started doing a lot more stuff on my own, she pretty much does everything for me. I still make mistakes and mum is always there to back me up. When I do drop something, mum has to pick it up, because of my dizzy spells.

When it comes to good friends, I look toward my old work college, Joe. He has motivated me to get back to being a web developer through weekly tasks and pushing me towards the freecodecamp course.

Look towards meditation 

I know that some people have tried meditation and haven’t gotten anything out of it. But I’ve been doing it on and off again for over 6 years and it helped me. I’m a lot more confident and I’m a lot more at peace with myself.

Forgive yourself

A couple of months ago, at a Sliver Liners Relationship group meeting. Sherrie asked everyone in the meeting to forgive us. It’s not our fault that we are stuck with this illness. It’s not my fault that I have forgotten to do something or I’ve forgotten your name. It’s not my fault that I’ve sung a word wrong, it’s not my fault that I’ve dropped something on the floor. It’s not my fault that I’m too tired to do anything.

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to talk about 2022 – Q3 in review. Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.

Thanks and take care.

How I slowly rebuilt myself by redoing 10,000 steps

Why hello there, how are you? I hope you are well. Today’s blog post is about how I slowly rebuilt myself by redoing 10,000 steps daily. Now before lockdown, I was often doing 10K steps a day. But during the lockdown, I was struggling to get up to 5K. Now I’m happy to say that I’m up to doing 10K. Here’s how I did it.

Walk to music

Every morning, before breakfast, I will do laps of my bedroom. I would load up my Spotify  “future #rockulele songs” playlist and walk. I’m doing 3 songs, take a break to either list weights or go on the ab-swing and then do another 3 songs. Then repeat until my mum comes upstairs and puts my eczema cream/oil on me. This is easily 4,000 steps.

Take my own plates back, one item at a time

After every meal, I get up and put my dishes back into the kitchen, Now instead of carrying one plate and bowl in one go, I like to take each item individually. Wherever it’s one plate, one bowl or even one spoon at a time. For most of my meals, I like to have some fruit, olives, yoghurt and poppadom. This is another 2,000 steps.

Go into the kitchen

I like to make my own snack and cups of tea. Getting up and going into the kitchen and making my own snack and cups of tea is a real confidence booster. After my diagnosis, I would struggle to carry a small cup of tea. Now, I’m carrying my morning cup of tea and sometimes, carry my large cup of tea. I do still struggle with my large cup of tea but that is slowly improving. For my snack, I like to have some oil-roasted lotus seeds with seasoning. What I like to do is, put some oil in a pan, then put in some pink salt, turmeric, pepper and black salt. Black salt adds a tangy egg-like taste to the lotus seeds. I sometimes like to add mixed herbs or a shop-bought mild spice mix. I then put some lotus seeds in the pan and put the pan on a hob. I also like to have some pop crisps, a brand of oven-roasted crisps, and I like to have some roasted chickpeas.  

Every evening, I like to have some homemade granola with some gluten-free cereal. Before I started to decide to redo my 10K steps, my mum would make my granola. Now I’m getting my granola ready. This is another 2,000 steps. 

So now we are at 8,000 steps now before dinner.

Go into the garden or treadmill

Most evenings, I like to do laps in my garden. When the weather is a lot cooler, going into the garden can really wake me up. I sometimes like to do my Apple Watch’s breathing excise outside. When it’s too hot or too cold, I’ve been going back on the treadmill. I restarted my treadmill workout by doing 10 minutes at a slow walking speed and slowly rebuilding myself to doing couch to 5K. This is another 2,000 steps. 

So we are at 10K. Hurray! Now I’m going to talk about how to go above 10K.

Go shopping

A couple of weeks ago, I and my dad did our weekly shopping. When I did this for the first time, I didn’t go into the garden and still did over 16K.


Every time I attend my Bhangra Blaze, which has restarted up again, I always end up leaving full of joy and over 10K

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to talk about what lifestyle changes I had to make post-diagnosis. Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.

2022 – Q2 in review

Ahoy hoy, how are we all? I hope you are well. Today’s blog post is my review of 2022 Q2 in review. Not much has happened but some things did come around.

My eczema 

My eczema has dramatically improved since using the cream that my dad got from India. I’m a lot less itchy, the only time that I scratch is when I’m too hot or too cold.

My #rockulele 

I recently celebrated my one-year anniversary of me playing and singing on my Instagram page. I celebrated by redoing the first four songs that I ever did. For Freebird, I bought myself a kazoo. It helps with all of the tricky bits of the guitar solos. To play the ukulele, sing and play the kazoo, I bought this harmonica holder from Amazon. An uncle of mine requested that I do an old-school Indian song, so, I did an extra song. Yeh Dosti from the 1970s film Sholey. I’m tempted to do an extra Indian song a month.

A mile a day in May

During the month of May, I and some of the Sliver Liners took part in a mile a day in May. Where, through donations, we would raise money by walking an extra mile a day in May. Before lockdown, I was comfortably doing 10,000 steps/ 5 miles in a day. Unfortunately, due to my lack of motivation, that trailed off a little bit. But thanks to the mile a day in May, I’ve created some habits to do every day to get me back to doing 10,000 steps a day.

My freeCodeCamp course

I’ve been tasked by Joe, to do 40 JavaScript Projects for Beginners – Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding JS. Because I was struggling to do the Calculator task in the original freeCodeCamp, Joe told me to do this first and then tackle the calculator again.

My weight

Unfortunately, my weight has gone up slightly. I now weigh in at 67kg. The reason for this because I was having gluten-free mushroom risotto, 4 times a week. After asking my mum to weigh my risotto and it was triple what I was telling my calorie app. I’ve since cut back on the risotto to 4 times a month.

Earls of Uke group sessions and Bhangra Blaze

Because of Covid, I haven’t been to an Earls of Uke meetup this year. I do miss playing in a group. Because of this, I was doing Bhangra Blaze every week, until last month, when Amarjit, the Bhangra teacher, said that she has lost the Wyken Community centre due to not running the classes because she wasn’t using the room. The reason that she wasn’t using the room was that attendance was low

Health update

Recently, I’ve been getting headaches. I’ve got no idea why. I do have an MRI due later on this month and an appointment with my consultant in the next. I will update the blog with any further news. A couple of months ago, my GP prescribed me some iron tablets. It’s supposed to improve my energy levels but nothing so far. I’m only taking my iron tablets, once every two days because it clashes with my moringa tablet. 

I had an optician appointment last month and he said that my eyes have stayed the same.

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to talk about how I slowly rebuilt my 10,000 steps a day. Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.

The benefits of coriander water

Why hello there, how are we all? I hope you are well. This month’s blog post is about the benefits of drinking coriander water. This post is going to be separated into two parts. My personal experience and my research.

How to prepare coriander water

Take a teaspoon of coriander powder and mix it with 150ml of cold water. Leave it overnight and it should be ready in the morning.

I’m drinking a lot less.

For someone like me who is suffering from diabetes insipidus for nearly ten years, I’m happy to say that I’m drinking a lot less water. I’m not sure what it is in the coriander that causes this but it’s working.

Now I’m going to talk about my research on the benefits of coriander water.

My source is from here

Helps to boost immunity

Coriander is rich in antioxidants. The benefits of antioxidants is to improve your immune system, which can help fight illness.

Aids digestion

One benefit of coriander water is that it helps with digestion. As someone who suffers from bad digestion, I feel that my digestion has improved.

Helps to combat acne

As someone who suffers from acne, even in my thirties, I have found that my acne has improved dramatically, after drinking coriander water.

Of course, with some natural remedies, some days are good and some days are bad. It’s just getting more good days than bad days is my goal.

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to talk about 2022 – Q2 in review.. Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.

Thanks and take care

The benefits of turmeric

Hello there how are we all? I hope you are well. Today’s blog post is about the benefits of turmeric. Now I’m not going to make bold claims that it can cure cancer, but there are benefits of turmeric. 

Turmeric can purify the blood

Due to a large number of antitoxins in turmeric, It can purify the blood, My evidence of this is my eczema has finally cleared up.

Turmeric can boost the brain

A couple of years ago, I took part in a Maggies zoom meeting and they were talking about how turmeric can help the brain. I’m not sure what it does to the brain, but this past last month, I was forced to take a 3 week’s break from the chamber and my word games and brain games scores did not drop.

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory

There are two chemicals in turmeric, turmeric and curcumin. Curcumin is what makes turmeric an anti-inflammatory component. I have no personal evidence of this but through my research, I have found it to be quite prominent in my research. 

Turmeric can help the heart

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help the heart. It improves the lining of your blood vessels.

As always, before taking on a new diet, please consult your doctor first, before taking on turmeric. Although it’s used in the majority of Indian cooking, having plenty of amounts of turmeric can be damaging. 

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to talk about the benefits of drinking coriander water. . Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.

Thanks and take care

2022 – Q1 in review

Ahoy there, how are you? I hope that you are well. Today I’m going to talk about 2022 Q1 in review. Not much has happened in this quarter but there is still some news.

My eczema 

Thanks to mum and dad giving me fresh homemade turmeric pickles every day, twice a day, My eczema has finally cleared up. It’s been a long journey, most of my life I have suffered from it with this most recent stint being the worst. I’m still taking a moringa tablet every day. Because of this, I’ve stopped taking my hemp tablets.

Chronically brown yoga classes

I’ve just finished a course of 6 sessions of seated yoga with the chronically brown charity. A charity that looks after people from the South Asian community who are disabled. Because of this, I’ve decided that I’m going to use some of my charity money for this charity as well. The total list of charities that I’m donating to are Brain Tumour Support, The Brain Tumour Charity, Brainwaves, Shine young cancer support, Headway, Mercia MS centre, Carers `Trust, the Myton Hospice, Pass the smile for Ben. Maggies, Gamers beat Cancer, the Sliver Liniers charity and Chronically Brown.

My diabetes insipidus

Once again, thanks to my mum, I’ve been drinking some coriander water which has helped with my constant thirst. Before drinking coriander water, I was drinking 4 litres. Now I’m drinking much less. 

My #rockulele

Starting last month, not including the months of May and December, I’m going to start from the 60s and alternate between rock and soul/RnB songs and work my way through to the 2020s

My treadmill 

I was doing the treadmill every day for about 20 minutes each time doing a slower version of a HITT workout. HITT stands for Hyper Intensive Interval Training, which is when you do a warm-up, then intense for a minute and then back to slowed down speed. That was until the treadmill belt broke. 

My weight 

My weight is 65kg. This is quite surprising because I haven’t done much exercise since my treadmill apart from Bhangra Blaze every week. Because of the weather, my ukulele group have changed the rules for attending the ukulele group sessions, So I’m attending Bhangra Blaze every week. 

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to talk about the benefits of turmeric. . Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.

Thanks and take care

My daily routine

Ahoy there, how are you? I hope that you are well. Today I’m going to talk about my daily routine. Now, I’m not going to talk about my multiple trips to the bathroom but that can be guessed. 

I try and get up at 6 am and take my levothyroxine, of course, because of my steroids and diabetes insipidus that time is always a few hour early. As soon as I do that, I like to unlock my phone, open Spotify, and play my brain healing music. This playlist is something that I and my sister have put together. After that, I like to do my morning prayers while my brain healing music is playing. At 7 am, I take my morning hydro cortisol and omeprazole tablets. Then I meditate for 10 minutes. Afterwards, I like to play my future #rockulele playlist for about two and a half hour. At 8, I take my morning desmopressin. At 8:30, I do the testogel.

My mum comes up to my room after she finishes her prayers at 9:30, and puts moringa oil on my whole body apart from the part where I put my testogel on. I get changed, go downstairs, wash my hands and do my morning prayers. 

Afterwards, I’ve had my morning non-vegan sugar free Yakult, I like to have 100ml of lukewarm coconut milk with 2gs of non-vegan ghee(clarified butter) with some coriander seeds mixed into it. The reason for those is my eczema. Probiotics in the Yakult and the ghee/ coriander seeds is an ancient trick.  

Next, I get my water bottles ready. Unfortunately,this is where my poor hand-eye coordination  fail me. My mum often jokes about me letting the flood gates opening.  Afterwards, I  sit down and have my breakfast. Thereafter, I take a short nap by using this song on my brain playlist.

Then I listen to my healing mantras and play my words/brain games. I believe that listening to my mantras is helping with both my word and brain games.

Afterwards, I have lunch and go for another nap. Fatigue is a big thing for me unfortunately Thereafter, I go on my laptop for over 25 minutes. Afterwards, I like to have a cup of tea with some gluten-free snacks, after that, I go for my final nap of the day.

Then I go upstairs and play my electric ukulele. Either do a recording or practice a future video. 

My mum comes upstairs with my final hydro cortisol at 6. At 6:20, I come downstairs, do my evening prayers and depending on how I’m feeling, I go on the treadmill and then have dinner or go straight to dinner.

After dinner,I like to play on my phone and drain the battery on it. I like to play my web development games, Drops, Solitaire and my basic puzzle games. At 8:30, my mum gets my granola ready for me to eat. Granola with warm coconut milk, vanilla essence and some maple syrup helps me fall asleep.

When it comes to bedtime, I have to take my final tablet, desmopressin, with some lukewarm water

Then I get my evening water bottles ready. When I go to bed, mum puts epiderm cream on my whole body, I give myself eye drops and then I put ghee in my nose. The reason for the ghee in my nose is to help the brain. 

Afterwards, I do my late evening prayers and put my podcasts on my phone, which help me fall asleep. 

That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone who I’ve met on this journey.

Next time, I’m going to talk about my 2022 Q1 in review. Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.

Thanks and take care