Hi there, and welcome back to my blog. How are you? I hope you are well. Today, I’m going to talk about my current #rockulele setup. Now it took me a while to get this setup up and running. My setup is in two parts. The filming and the recording and the playing.
My recording
To record me, I bought an iPhone/iPad stand. It has a ring light for where the phone goes and the iPad stand is right below it.
I use an app called Acapella. This app allows you to record yourself and re-record yourself to create an echo or a self duet.
For the microphone, I bought this stand from Gear4Music, an online music shop where I bought my original music stand.
When I plug my phone into my microphone, I use a USB input system of a lighting port and an audio cord to a USB converter.
My playing
When I play my ukulele, I plug my ukulele into my iPad with something called an iRig. An iRig allows me to use apps on my iPad, like ToneBridge, and output the guitar effects from the ukulele. I also use my iPad as my lyrics sheet. I use an app called teleprompter to auto-scroll the lyrics and chords down the iPad automatically.
When I do a recording, I’ve recently put a sheet for a background. I actually got the idea from my sister, Arveena Kaushal, a motivational speaker, who does the same thing. I use a grey sheet because it’s the colour for brain tumours.
That’s it for now. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister, and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank everyone from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley, and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to share my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to get back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends, and everyone who I’ve met on this journey.
Next time, I’m going to talk about my 2021 – Q4 in review. Please feel free to leave a comment and as always, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to charity.
Thanks and take care.