Hi there and welcome back to my blog. How are you? I hope that you are well. Today I’m going to talk about what app that I use everyday. They are the following:
- iOS reminders
- Productive/ Habit Hub
- IFTTT/ Do button with google sheets
- Headspace
- My fitness pal
- Drops
- Solitaire
iOS reminders (in built with iOS)
Because I’m on so many tablets at different times, I use this everyday, for everything. Including non medical reminders like practice handwriting, play the ukulele and give Mum a hug.
Productive(iOS)/Habit hub (Android)
When I first met up with Joe, back on February 2017, he showed me an Android app called Habit Hub. Joe uses Habit Hub to get a habit of getting up at 5:30, go out for a walk and don’t smoke. After some googling, I found out that Habit Hub wasn’t on iOS. So I used an app called Productive. Back in February, Joe got me to make three habits. Those three were make the bed, help out around the house for 20 minuets and go for a walk. At least two of those habits are over a year now.
IFTTT with Do button and Google Sheets (IFTTT iOS, Google sheets iOS, IFTTT Android, Google sheets Android)
When I track the amount of times that I go to the bathroom, I use Do Button. What Do Button does, its a programmable Button that does whatever you tell it to do. I use it with Google Sheets to put the date and time. Now IFTTT have built Do Button inbuilt with IFTTT, so there’s no need to download too many apps.
Headspace (iOS/Android)
As I said in another blog post, I’ve been using Headspace for over a year now. The benefits are amazing. I’m a lot more calmer, I’m more at peace with everything. Yes, it does cost but you can share logins, if coming from the same address.
MyFitnessPal (iOS/Android)
As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, I’ve been using MyFitnessPal to trck the amount of calories that I’m consuming. I also use this app to track what food makes me go to the bathroom.
As an Indian who can’t speak Hindi, even before my diagnosis, I was always embarrassed to talk to my cousins, whenever I would go on holiday with my extended family.
The way it goes through learning a language is by doing: it shows up a picture and then it displays the same word in Hindi, the same word in English, the pronounced way and a person would pronounce the word for you.
It starts off with the alphabet and then it moves on to common words and phrases.
Solitaire (iOS/Android)
Every morning, I like to play the daily challenge, to see that I’m getting better. I try to not to use hints, but sometimes it can’t be helped.
Well that’s it. Once again, I just want to thank a few people. Firstly, I would like to thank my mum, dad, sister and my Naughty Mamaji, for being by my side, throughout everything. I would like to thank Louise from BTS for sharing this with the community. I would like to thank Kanika, Shirley and everyone at Carers Trust for giving me the confidence to sharing my story and I would like to thank Joe for motivating me to getting back on the horse. And I would like to thank everyone at the hospital, my family and friends and everyone who I’ve met on this journey.
The next time, I’m going to talk about dealing with the belief that you are getting better. Please feel free to leave a comment and don’t forget, if you buy something from Amazon, through the blog, or click on an advert, 100% of the money that I get goes to Brain Tumour Support.
Thanks and I will see you soon.